How to successfully launch an MVNO in Brazil, based on Cloud and Virtualization

March 9th, 2020

13:00 – 15:45

São Paulo, Brasil

Gran Estanplaza Berrini Hotel

Virtual mobile operators (MVNOs) continue to be a business opportunity for many entrepreneurs and companies looking to increase their market presence or retain their customers. Brazil has more than 20 MVNOs and is among the 20 countries with more of this type of operator. The market share, however, is only 0.38%. In Europe and the United States, this share is over 10% and, in other countries, such as Colombia and Mexico, it has already exceeded 5% of mobile services.

MVNOs in Brazil have gone through several stages of development and are finding their way through tests and errors. Many failed, as was the case with Porto Seguro Conecta, which established a traditional MVNO structure, with operating costs incompatible with the business opportunity. Virtualized operations in the cloud are much more feasible. MVNOs are expected to continue growing in Brazil, to serve the end consumer sector with new niche offerings as well as M2M and IoT offerings for different verticals. For this, it is important to develop a viable business model and commit to the appropriate partners.

In this strategic workshop, we will not only show an overview of the MVNOs market in Brazil and the opportunities that still exist for the development of this type of business, but we will also offer access to a new cloud-based MVNO service provider, and that arrives to Brazil with the intention of sharing the risk of the operation with companies that wish to enter this market.



Supporting Organization


13:00 – 14:00 PM – Welcome brunch

14:00 – 14:10 PM – Welcome & introduction

14:10 – 14:45 PM – Presentation about the MVNO market in Latin America with a zoom in Brazil

  • Situation
  • Projections
  • Opportunities
  • Opinion

Eduardo Tude, Presidente, Teleco

14:45 – 15:10 PM – Key factors to successfully launch an MVNO in Brazil

  • The opportunity under the vision of TATA/Antel-ITC
  • What should we take into account to develop a successful operation ?: commercial strategy, relations with third parties, business plan, technological platform, offering value to the market, flexibility and speed in offering, integration, corporate agreements with MNOs and others, operation, customer service, operational processes, etc.

Guillermo Iglesias, Board Advisor – Presidency, Antel

15:10 – 15:30 PM – A good MVNO partner/enabler brings more value than a technology platform

  • Why TATA/Antel- ITC?
  • The TATA hub in Latin America
  • MVNE / MVNO solutions, main features and customers in other regions
  • Business model
  • Our wish: “We want to be the partners who make the dream of your mobile operation a reality”
  • Success stories

Juan Carlos Jil, Senior Manager Business Development & IoT Solutions LATAM, TATA Communications

Fernando López Rodríguez, Manager, Antel Telecomunicações Brasil

15:30 – 15:45 PM – Conclusions and closure

eduardo tude

Eduardo Tude


Marcelo Erlich

Fernando Lopez

Fernando López Rodríguez
Antel Telecomunicações Brasil

Guillermo Iglesias

Guillermo Iglesias
Board Advisor – Presidency

Headshot JC Jil

Juan Carlos Jil
Senior Manager Business Development & IoT Solutions LATAM, TATA Communications

  • MVNOs
  • Entrepreneurs or investors interested in entering the mobile market with an MVNO
  • ISPs and pay-TV operators who want to launch converged services, including the mobile offering
  • Verticals (retail, finance, entertainment, etc.) who wish to enter the mobile market with an MVNO

This workshop has limited spaces and it is exclusive for:

  • MVNOs
  • Entrepreneurs or investors interested in entering the mobile market with an MVNO
  • ISPs and pay-TV operators who want to launch converged services, including the mobile offering
  • Verticals (retail, finance, entertainment, etc.) who wish to enter the mobile market with an MVNO

If you are interested in attending, please contact Paulo Portocarrero.

Produced by


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