Virtual events have become mainstream due to COVID-19 and no longer are seen as a complement to in-person activities but as a mandatory channel for organizations looking to raise their profile, position themselves as thought leaders, network with prospects and discover new business opportunities.

Overnight, marketers, and non-marketers, all around had to learn at a fast pace how to achieve their goals in this new business environment, trying to identify and choose the best approach and partners to engage with prospects online. Marketers need to understand the different pieces of the new puzzle and assign the right weight when deciding how to move forward. For example, many spend too much time trying to identify the virtual platforms and get stuck in the “paralysis for over analysis” phenomenon. The truth is that the platform is only a piece of a more complex ecosystem. It is only the beginning, nothing but a tool. You still need to produce and curate content, put together a sexy story to engage with your prospects and invite the target audience. Challenges remain the same: getting the attention, engaging in conversations, turning leads into marketing qualified leads. Make sure technology does not blur the lines between what it can do and what you, actually, need to accomplish. has been a pioneer developing virtual events for the Brazilian market for over a decade, and has capitalized on the challenges presented by the pandemic, highlighting the importance of virtual events in our hyperconnected world. Now that we face a post-COVID era, remains committed to continue providing access to strategic information in a timely and efficient manner, always striving for excellence and innovation.

Let us guide you to present the right content for your targeted audience. provides a truly ‘end-to-end’ solution with proven results.

Benefits from sponsoring Web Summits

  • Lead Capture and Lead Nurturing
  • Thought Leadership Positioning
  • Brand Building & Brand Recognition
  • Expanding Network of Contacts within CSPs in and Brazil
  • Demand Acceleration
  • Relationship building with analysts and industry bodies
  • Raising profile of key executives from your organization


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  • Telco Club has established itself as the main event for understanding what matters to Telecom operators.

    José Luis de Souza, Presidente Executivo, FITec
  • I had the satisfaction of taking part in Telco Club 2021 and talking with industry colleagues about the 5G post-auction in Brazil. I congratulate Teleco for making it possible to distribute such relevant information and debates on technology and its impacts on business and society.

    Márcio de Jesus da Silva, VP segmento B2C, Algar Telecom
  • The 4th Edition of Telco Club, an event held after the 5G auction, addressed the future challenges of 5G. My contribution was to show how the internet in Brazil is structured and security-related actions are being addressed so that 5G can enjoy it.

    Milton Kashiwakura,
  • I thank TeleSemana and Teleco for the opportunity to participate in this great event. As a member of the audience I was able to participate in a panel that was very useful to understand other points of view of the Operators, and as a speaker it was a very good experience, with a very professional team that I always like to collaborate with. Big hug to the whole team.

    Juan Carlos Zeron, Red Hat
  • A very high level event where we could observe the effects of new technologies, especially 5G, in several verticals that will be totally transformed. Congratulations to all the organizers!

    Carlos Duprat, Consultor
  • Tema muito relevante que pode trazer economias de escala e aumentar a competitividade no mercado de telefonia móvel, viabilizando o ecossistema e a formação de novas parcerias

    Paulo Pontin, Managing Partner LATAM, Verizon Business
  • Thanks to Teleco / TelecomWebinar for organizing the Telco Club 2020. It was an interesting and relevant debate on the main themes of our industry that had its transformation accelerated even more throughout the pandemic scenario that the world is going through

    André Kriger, CIO, Vivo
  • Once again, Teleco didactically translated the great challenges of the Telecommunications Sector, and Telco Club 2020, joint production with TeleSemana, presented to beginners and initiates in the sector a rich panorama of the role of connectivity for the digital transformation of Society

    Hermano do Amaral Pinto Jr, Group Director, Informa Group Latin America
  • A high level event, with great quality of updated information, and with the pragmatic vision of the speakers of what lies ahead in 2021. Congratulations!

    Fábio Rangel, VP Sales Packet & Optical CALA, Ribbon
  • This event focused on the main themes of IoT, conditioning a systemic view on the great challenges faced by the members of this broad ecosystem. Congratulations Teleco / TelecomWebinar for this initiative!

    Taize Wessner, VP, Grupo Virtueyes
  • Congratulations to the entire Telco Club team for the event. It is a great opportunity for professionals in the world of telecommunications to have contact with companies and professionals involved with market dynamics

    Prof. Carlos Nazareth, Director, Inatel
  • Congratulations for the organization of ‘5G e a Transformação Digital’ Web Summit. A truly high level event from a content and participants stand point. The event presented a comprehensive, and multidisciplinary agenda, aligning perspectives from many specialists, making it the main stage for open discussions on the future of telecommunications in Brazil

    Marcia Ogawa Matsubayashi, Deloitte
  • The event ‘5G e a Transformação Digital’ provided an interesting space to discuss the path of the mobile industry in Brazil and in around the world. With the imminent arrival of 5G, companies need to understand how this technology will affect their growth prospects and how they should adapt their strategies. The event allowed companies to have access to different views, bringing relevant and influential speakers. I believe the event has achieved its goals and I am already waiting for the next editions.

    Ari Lopes, Ovum
  • It was a pleasure to participate in another edition of ‘5G e a Transformação Digital’, an event that reaches an audience both vast and qualified. The organization excels in the themes selection, offering a comprehensive view, congratulations!

    Fábio Moraes, GSMA
  • The event ‘5G e Transformação Digital 2019’ brought together several experts to discuss different aspects of 5G networks and the impact of these networks on the most diverse sectors of society. A memorable event that, I am sure, will be even better in its future editions

    José Marcos Camara Brito, Secretary General 5G Brazil and Research and Post-Graduation Director, Inatel

IoT2022 BRASIL SUMMIT | May 11, 2022

It was born in 2017 as a platform to showcase the advances of the IoT ecosystem. IoT 2022 BRASIL SUMMIT is the main virtual event that offers an insight into the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) sector, focusing on the Brazilian market. The IoT ecosystem is growing at a very fast pace outside the telecommunications industry. Although telecom operators will and should play a key role in the deployment of reliable and secure IoT networks and services, it is important to realize the ecosystem is much larger and dynamic. That is why has expanded its reach to create the global IoT Virtual Event for the Brazilian market, a place where CSPs, verticals, system integrators, developers, vendors and regulators meet to discuss how the IoT ecosystem should evolve to deliver its promises of a more efficient world.


Average of 1,400+ registrants every year

Telecom & IT Professionals


*BASED ON 6,600+ REGISTRANTS FROM 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 AND 2021 EDITIONS

5G E TRANSFORMAÇÃO DIGITAL 2022 | August 31, 2022

This year the discussion will be around 5G implementation in Brazil, 5G Networks Evolution, Business Cases, Digital Transformation, AI and Big Data. How is 5G evolving in the world? How is Brazil implementing 5G? What is the role of new 5G entrants? Which are the 5G solutions for the Brazilian market? Will 5G accelerate the digital transformation of companies? All these issues are addressed by leading voices in the telecommunications industry. Join the largest online event on 5G & Digital Transformation and engage with your peers in a seamless and fully virtual space.


Average of 1,000+ registrants every year

Telecom & IT Professionals


*BASED ON 5,000+ REGISTRANTS FROM 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 AND 2021 EDITIONS

TELCO CLUB 2022 | November 8, 2022

Like the Masters Cup in the world of tennis, this is the last gathering of the year in the telco sector, an opportunity for key personalities like CSPs and other stakeholders to share their view and forecast for the year to come. In this 2022 edition we will be able to discuss the first reactions on the newborn Brazilian 5G


Average of 600+ registrants every year

Telecom & IT Professionals


*BASED ON 2,100+ REGISTRANTS FROM 2018, 2019, 2020 AND 2021 EDITIONS


Secure your place at the industry must-attend events in 2022. Share stage with personalities and influencers from CSPs, industry bodies, analysts and other stakeholders.

Benefit from multi-event discounts when you book your place on two or more events in the same calendar year.


Early bird: 5% discount applies to all bookings received by 31st January 2022.

Multi-Event Discount: Book three (3) events in calendar year 2022 and receive a 20% discount on each or two (2) events in calendar year 2022 to receive a 10% discount on each.

+54 9 11 6561 6165

+55 11 98111-6348

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